Embark On A Journey Of Inner Exploration

The Sacred Moon Collective is a community of inspired, intuitive and powerful women who are at various stages of their spiritual self . In this divine space, we honor every woman’s story, and journey, is both unique and sacred.

Throughout the millennia, women have been intrinsically connected to the moon, her power, and her wisdom. As the average length of women’s menstrual cycles matches the moon’s 29.5-day waxing and waning cycle, many cultures associated the moon with fertility, women wolves and the ocean water. As much of the moon remains in shadow and mystery, we believe that each woman has her own magic to unveil and being to the light. We invite you to join us in our practice of inviting, honoring and holding space to the powerful growth each of us has within. For like the moon, we too have phases of transformation, each one divinely potent.

Through our live circles and weekly coursework, we guide you to unearth your intuition, and embrace the influence of this celestial body, to align, transform, release and expand.

The Sacred Moon Collective is hosted and facilitated by founders, Dr. Olivia Audrey, doctor of natural medicine, bestselling author, celebrity energy coach & Kelly M.Libby, certified yogic practitioner, breathwork facilitator and bodywork educator.

Inspired by their own spiritual awakening, and their journey to international sites of spiritual sanctuary, they witnessed the ancient practices of moon swallowing and embodiment of indigenous cultures around the world.

We welcome you into this circle, with light, love and honor for where you have been, where you are now and where you are meant to go.

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